We make the complicated laws simple and manageable. Analysis of new regulations and more complex issues for a broad audience that requires knowledge of the law.

Heka Law Firm and Zion sign collaboration agreement in Ecuador

After three months of negotiations, Heka Law Firm and its Ecuadorian compatriot Zion, an investment fund and trust administrator, signed a long-term c...

T SEAL for good labor practices

By Ministerial Agreement No. MDT 2021-165 issued on May 14, 2021 by the Ministry of Labor created the T Seal for good labor practices in the private s...

OECD and IDB competition recommendations for Ecuador

By: Juan Andrés Gortaire In March, the Superintendencia de Control del Poder de Mercado (SCPM), Ecuador’s competition authority, received the r...

Constitutional Court Ruling: Organic Law on Humanitarian Support

Constitutionality of the Sole Interpretative Provision of the Organic Law on Humanitarian Support to Combat the Health Crisis resulting from COVID-19 ...

Criminal anti-corruption reform in the private sector

Since February of this year, a legal reform to the Organic Integral Penal Code has been in force, which highlights article 320.1 “acts of corrup...

Usufruct: a key concept in estate planning

¨By: Alex Lema Within the real estate practice, the fact that parents reserve the usufruct and the bare property is given to their children is a quit...

Tenancy problems in pandemic times

There are a number of elements to consider in the landlord-tenant relationship, from the prevention of conflicts to their solution. Faced with these d...